New Membership

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New Membership

from $10.00

If you share our love of the Scottish Terrier, we welcome you to join our Club!

Below, please choose your membership level and complete the form.

In making this application to become a member of the Scottish Terrier Club of the Piedmont, you agree to abide by the Constitution, Bylaws and Code of Ethics of the Club, the Scottish Terrier Club of America and the American Kennel Club.

Along with completion of the form below, you must submit the endorsement of two Club members in good standing, not of the same household, who personally know you. 

To be elected into membership, your application will be read at the next regular Club meeting. You must attend two regular Club meetings, at the second of which your application will be considered for approval. A favorable majority of those present will constitute election to membership.

If accepted as a Individual or Family Member, you are required to attend a minimum of two in-person meetings annually and call into three of the four other regular meetings during the year. If you are accepted as an Associate Member, you are required to call into five of the six Regular Meetings each year. All Members are required to participate, in some way, in the club’s Specialty Shows in July and November.

Regular membership shall be available to anyone eighteen years of age or older who subscribes to the purposes of this club. Annual Dues: $20

Associate membership shall be available to anyone eighteen years or older who lives a distance away that would prevent him or her from attending club meetings and who subscribes to the purposes of this club. Associate members may not vote or hold office. Annual Dues: $10

Family membership cover one or more members of your immediate family. Annual Dues: $30

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